

  • 募集中の求人一覧はこちら
  • ご応募の受付はオンラインフォームからのみとなっております。
  • フォームは日本語で記入してください。
  • 応募前にご質問やご相談がある場合はメールフォームよりお気軽にお問い合わせください。
  • 「*」がついている項目は入力必須です。

Recruit the best employees, and the customers will recruit themselves.

We realise that our restaurant will only ever be as good as the people working in it. We aim to select bright, well-educated, self-motivated staff who are either Japanese or who can demonstrate that they have a high level of respect for traditional Japanese culture.

(All our recipes, manuals and systems are in Japanese, so every employee must be able to read Japanese and communicate in it. All interviews are conducted in Japanese; interviews for front-of-house staff are also conducted in English.)

Due to limited resources, we are only able to accept online applications in Japanese. (Since we are often busy caring for customers, it is not usually possible for you to discuss this position with us in person or by telephone.)

